7 december 2022
- Logboek
Tres Hombres

Two days of calm and serenity (by captain Anne-Flore)

We’ve been visited by some elegant gulls, a cormorant, a falcon, dolphins and a fin whale.

So little wind that we brailed up the main and doused other staysails to protect them and stop the noisy flapping. Rolling smoothly, the crew goes to bed on one side and wakes up on the other side. Very sunny and good spirits on board. The temperature rises up to 15 during the day, what a satisfaction. Towels even become dry. It’s easier to come up to the deck for the watches when you can wear fewer layers of clothes, where you can find good friendship, games, energetic food and a strong ship to welcome and support you all the way. A place surrounded by the horizon to free your mind to wander, 130 miles away from the Spanish land of Galicia without TV or catastrophic news.

I decided to sail away, far from the coast because a low pressure is expected to move towards Portugal and by letting her pass ahead of us I wish to get the north easterlies wind. It is building up now and I hope to catch up some miles.

The cook was off on Monday, no wake-up at 0630. The crew did a good job to take over the galley. Federico enjoyed sharing the deck with the two watches around the helm, also curious to understand what is going on with the lines and spars. So on Tuesday, after having seen the whale blowing 3 times very close by in an opposite direction than us, he got inspired with new things instead of only warming up the leftover. Lunch with music, dinner with music.

Lectures to explain sailing and meteorology, ropes tours, salt showers bucket, little fixing missions, first furling jib session on the bow sprit for the trainees at night. The waxing moon those days shines on the boat and our faces, it’s so bright. Through the humid cloud, the light creates a moonbow, a multi-colour circle around the moon. All kinds of dreams are experienced during the time of rest. Seems to be easier to remember because of the strong emotion, intensity or weirdness of the story. Coming on deck is sometimes a relief from the parallel ship’s life.

Night songs and storytelling bring confidence. At night the bread making is at a high level already. Onions, cheese, nuts, fruits, and capers were thrown in it. Usually, the dough has a hard time rising from the beginning of the winter trip, until La Palma, but this year since we left France they are delicious. Inside and outside.

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