15 februari 2024
- Logboek
Tres Hombres

Blurry Lines (Kit Schulte)

Where or When Does One Thing End and Another Begin?

I had imagined blurry lines, but figured quickly that all seems clearly defined: The sky above touching the horizon, the ocean below with numbers of depths unimaginable.

I know nothing about sailing, well, maybe now after 10 days, a little. Borders. We already crossed several, sailing along the North Equatorial current, gently pushed by the trade winds, carrying songs and stories of centuries. Borders of time zones, oceanic rifts and plateaus, weather zones and coordinates, latitudes and longitudes, all man made measurements, helping us to not feel lost. I guess it’s this knowledge, these markings that give us the illusion of control?

Day and night seem painted like a fairy tale. As one of the fearless mermaids with legs observed when being up on the Royal in the late afternoon: one side of the world is still kissed by the sun, while the other is already dipped into darkness.

Everytime, when I’m on the 2 am watch, when the new morning light washes the black ocean with a mesmerizing silver I ask “Fishing lines out or not?”. I get different answers: “no, we ate fish already yesterday”, “Yes, I can eat fish everyday”. No need to wait for a decision, when Dani takes over the next watch, the lines go out. After all, how can we not enjoy the super fresh and, by our talented cook, deliciously prepared Mahi-Mahi?

Oh, by the way: an Orca came by and said hello. And next time we see that many spouts a bit too far away, the captain said, we will jyb. We want to know: is it fin, sperm, blue or pilot whales? No blurry lines out here. Curiosity remains the essence of exploration.


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