27 augustus 2023
- Comic
Tres Hombres

Comic: deckhand Alina

Click on the images below to read the fifth part of our comic series!

De andere comics

30 juli 2023
Tres Hombres

Comic: first mate Arthur

Click on the images below to read the fourth part of our comic series!
25 juni 2023
Tres Hombres

Comic: the ship’s cook Eddie Hecht

Click on the images below to read the third part of our comic series!
28 mei 2023
Tres Hombres

Comic: bosun Hanjo van Weerden

Click on the images below to read the second part of our comic series!
30 april 2023
Tres Hombres

Comic: captain Andreas Lackner

Click on the images below to read the first part of our comic series!

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