6 juni 2020
- Logboek
Tres Hombres

5 days at anchor (by captain Anne-Flore)

in the south of YEU island.

This was the safest, closest free shelter I found near Les Sables d’ Olonne.
Rigging and deck maintenance has been carried out and the crew did enjoy beautiful walks on the island and the open restaurants and bars very much on days off.
Today it is time to prepare the ship for sailing 25 miles and organise the manoeuver with the tug and pilot at 07h00 Sunday morning.
Winemaker Olivier Cousin will come to visit us with the first part of our cargo, as well as Thierry Michon.
The producers of the wine know the entire route, the way to transport and who is acting for who. They even know the buyer and the drinker. It is a simple way to connect humans with their knowledge about the earth and sea. It is a way of taking care of all elements…
A journalist will visit us in the harbor to spread the message and we will meet an association “Tous dans le meme bateau ” (All in the same boat) that educates young people and adults to protect the environment.  They make the link between people and politics.


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