After a harsh start through, more than over, the big swells, coming into the bay of Les Sables, we left the friendly town and tug behind us and got underway up the Biskay.
High, higha, Biskaya…true it was and many a stomach did not appreciate the food coming from our friends from the fertile land.
Tacking up against the westerly breeze shook out the last remnants of the landlife and made us forget about endless wine and cheese fast. After passing Ouessant with a smooth 11kn we turned right and undressed the old lady until her downwind garment and passed a smooth night along the Breton coast.
Island watching this morning, as Guernsey, Casquets and Alderney raced along us and now, just above Cherbourgh, we are caught in the current bringing the speed through the water of around 11kn back to 6 over the ground. Still she behaves as steady as ever, just waiting for the tide to turn in order to hurry up to Dover Strait and release us back into the North Sea. 18 days ago a strong north-easterly brought us down, now a south-westerly pushes us back up again … what can a cargo sailor wish more about?
Greetings from the wine carrier
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