6 augustus 2021
- Logboek
Tres Hombres

Good progress in here through the English channel (by captain Anne-Flore Gannat)

We passed Le Havre longitude.

Downwind for a few days. The squares are braced square. Gaff topsail is going up and down following needs from little squalls. And the Royal was not in use for a few hours around Ouessant island.
The scenery just bit the screen. Teeth rocks emerged from the foamy sea where waves break continuously. Many lighthouses showed up above the cliffs.
The most famous ones of France are here, combined their careful eyes and lights to the attracted sailors who try to keep clear of them.

Today was a sunny day, the crew is playing a quiz while handling the sails. The idea is to go towards the appropriate gear when an order is given to set or douse. Clewing up the course for training. Every day is challenging. Anticipation is a law for the mate in charge of a watch.

Our cook Jeroen had his weekly day off. Every watch one of the crew members takes over and realizes how intense the cooks job is, while Jeroen is refreshing his inspiration for the next day.
A team of swiss-german is 200% on galley cleaning after a meal and it seems to be a fun experience.

Orange sunset is a gift towards the end of the day and initiates the start of the night. Tomorrow we will go through Calais-Dover-Strait on one tack pushed by the good wind.

The ship brings the wings to the ones who need unity because she goes away when hands are on her, supporting, carrying, moving on, forgiving. Powerful in making sense. Boats, seas, and salty souls.


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