4 november 2020
- Logboek
Tres Hombres

First day at sea (by captain Anne-Flore Gannat)

We can all feel that this day is a special one!

After 3 months in the harbor, the water is moving under the hull again and the sails are de-dusted.

The super refit crew Charly, Mikael (who became 2nd mate), Hanjo, Virgile, Clement, and Baloo are not in the vicinity of big tools. Their tools now while sailing, are their bodies, hands, and minds. Watching at day and at night, listening to the wind and your colleagues. It needs some time to figure out what is what on deck and how the rigging works.
Here, there aren’t three buildings to go for an assigned job: metal and wood workshop, sailmaker loft, and storing place.
Onboard, we are trying to be a team, living very close to each other.

Thanks to the bad weather which kept us in Den Helder for a bit longer to be safe and better prepared.
The cook Sabine, who experienced the cooking during the refit, is proposing colors and flavors, different every day. The dry store and the cargo hold are filled with a lot of veggies and given apples. Wonderful!
Frank, Jessica, and Samuel are following the flow of information successfully. Lenno, the first mate, is back on his duty to explain safety procedures and sail training until the sun dries out our bones …

The ship is happy too, jumping on the waves, rolling a little, giving a spot, a chance to everyone…

Despite the cold 10 degrees, I’m super glad to be part of THE circumnavigation of THE Tres Hombres for another time.

All sails are up on the way to South Ireland … some nice products are waiting for us to be loaded.

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