31 december 2019
- Logboek

2 weeks on board (Lars Bulanov/Trainee)

One more day of 2019 and the last one. In the middle of the ocean – a perfect place to look back at the past months, (even years?) of your life. The ocean is a kind of mirror – it shows you the picture of your current spiritual and emotional condition. The measurement device of your soul temperature.
My thermometer says: peace, harmony, freedom, happiness. No boundaries, no worries, no obligations. It is a feeling of pure harmony.

I joined the crew in La Palma. I arrived by plane 2 days before we started for Barbados. Unbelievable – one day before I was still sitting in the office in Berlin, one day before I was still being overloaded by destructive issues of a big city life.
It takes time to start reflecting. It was a little bit disappointing in the beginning: Why I can’t write down immediately the super philosophical enlightenment’s in my diary? The only thing I forced myself to do was at least to document the day (and night -:) routine on the ship and the new impressions like flying fishes, dolphins and hundreds of falling stars.
But then I understood – it takes time. First you need to sort out and empty your “brain wardrobe”, your “brain cellar”. You need to throw away all the trash you have accumulated through mass media, through hundreds of adverts-banners in the metro, through tons of forced useless small talks about nothing, through dozens of every day worries and appointments… The list of things which brings you away from yourself is very long.

I am done with the list and I threw it away.

Happy New Year to all of you!

P.S. Cnm, our plan seems to work! We have a good speed! Te quiero!

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