17 juni 2020
- Logboek
Tres Hombres

We reached the end of the world (By captain Anne-Flore)


We reached the end of the world as we say in Breton.

We turned around Ouessant in the mist and rain. It was mysteriously cold and wet as if England was drifting south to France showing the best hazardous black rocks on the horizon. My lovely region has many faces.
Whatever our course is corresponding to our wish, the wind comes from our beam and we don’t have to brace sharp anymore. We are going with the elements.
All colours of rain gears on deck shine the fashion show those days. Today we were all kind of flowers needed water from the sky to exist and grow. Some of us decided to be a cactus because they preferred not having so much ”humidity” falling into their hoods.
At the 16th we received a call on the VHF. They were close by in the fog, not appearing with AIS. Yes !!! Our friends from Grayhound showing off white sails and black hull. Oh Yeah, have a good trip!

We would love to cross the paths of this kind of ships more often on the waters. Cargo ships nowadays are so square, so meaningless. All sails up, the dolphin sail painted by the kids in Amsterdam is hanging under the mainsail to catch the breeze as much as possible.

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