Tres Hombres

our engineless flagship

The example of sustainable transport

Tres Hombres is vNamed after three friends who energetically started a new clean shipping movement in 2007. It connects the route of the engineless brigantine Tres Hombres South, Central & North America and Europe. She transports sustainable, organic and traditionally produced goods and has become a shining example for alternative transport and the entire freight shipping movement. Today she is a global ambassador for freight under sail, transporting up to 40 tonnes of our fairly produced and fairly traded products. 

Good examples of this are Tres Hombres Rum, Cocoa, Coffee and Olive Oil!

Tres Hombres history:

The life of the brigantine Tres Hombres began in 1943. At that time still without masts and in a wreck-like condition, she was discovered in 2007 by three friends in Delft, in the Netherlands. With an incredible amount of diligence and dedication from many volunteers, she was brought back to life. Within just over 2 years we managed to completely restore the ship and convert it into a sailing ship that now crosses the Atlantic Ocean every year, sails the Northern European seas and covers these long transport distances exclusively with the power of the wind. 

To keep the ship in perfect condition, the Tres Hombres undergoes an annual renovation with many volunteers helping and learning the boat building trade.

Tres Hombres specifications

  • Built: 1943
  • Sailwork: Brigantine
  • Length complete: 32 meters
  • Deck length: 28 meters
  • Draft: 3 meters
  • Freight capacity: 40 tons / 50 m3
  • Maximum number of sails: 19
  • Professional crew: 7
  • Trainees: 8

Sailing schedules 2023/2024/2025

Against the wind


POS : 47º 39 'N, 015 º 01 'W COG: 110 º SOG : 8.5 kts

WIND DIR & SPD: N 30 kts


SEA STATE:agitated



AIR PRESS: 1015 hPa

Very cold wind and water. Strong wind, going under topsail, top gallant, fore stay sail and main stay sail.
A tanker overtook us this morning. I always think that they could take a picture of the Tres in this condition but the visibility is not really good. They came out of the cloud at about 2 miles.

For current position of Tres Hombres scroll down

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