May 17, 2022
Tres Hombres

Jugendtraum (von Torsten Schulz)

We also recommend “on the Ecke”, near Ouessant, also on the Canal in the Atlantic, on the Way from Amsterdam to Les Sables d'Olonne.

As a youth, I read all the Hornblower Romanes that they played here. Beim Readen Ich mi damals vorzustellen, wie een Rahsegler und wie de Navigieren in Gezeitengewässern ohne Motor with eeninigermasßen Sicherheit and Pünktlichkeit functions. Jetzt, 40 Jahre später, stille ich with dieser Reise auf dem Lastensegler Tres Hombres diese Jugendneugier.

This is due to the stress of the daily life with the movement history of the “Schleuderprogramm”-Wellengang and during the Saitenspiel bei Sturm in der Takelage nicht nur Ehrfurcht for the Elements one, without any respect for Andreas, the Kapitän, and his crew begeisterter SeglerInnen, that is Schiff lives in his home. The factors that our trainees receive are desirable and rewarding, with a strong motor, small win and small artistic intelligence on the board, including everything from teamwork, sense of humor, vision and craftsmanship. We are Trainees since the Day of the Day on the Board, Day and Night. With your travels you will enjoy your comfort zone, which you will enjoy with plastic packaging and environmental protection throughout the world.

Dies in itself is a great pleasure. If you were to experience the power, humor and patience, understand everything and understand everything with Andreas and his crew. In those Rahen klettern and Segel setzen heard zum Trainee-Alltag who pumps the Bilge per Hand and the Steuerrad führen.

If we were to have a better, fairer and more inclusive world, in the people and with capital and machines in the center of the city, so that we can have a good relationship with our people and find our freedom here in the small town, everything is possible:
Craftsmanship with the environment of the environment, the holes and the craftsmanship on the side of the plate, the knowledge of the arts, the knowledge and the craftsmanship of the environment, and the knowledge of the craftsmanship, which is good for those who have experienced other arts in the world under the planets. Der Mensch ist seine Bedrohung und Chance zgleich. Tres Hombres und seine mobilen Menschen sind einen Chance, die es gruefen und die unterstützen gilt, das sie Impulse über über sich hinaus geben: die Verpflegung an Bord stems from local Bio-Landwirten and wird von einer kunden Köchin köstlich zubereitet, die Seife a plate is a handmade repaired multi-cooker with ingredients from which the hombres are repaired, the plate is prepared with coffee and is fair repaired and also includes air transport.

Der Wunsch aus Jugendzeiten went for me here an Bord in Erfüllung and weit darüber hinaus. I can continue to enjoy this heritage.

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