March 7, 2021
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Tres Hombres

Heute nicht mein best Freund – die Kombüse – mein best Freund (by David Schynoll)

03:15 Uhr. A hellish night. Vollmond.

I'm not interested, I guess. Brenner Schmerz flies meine left Hand entlang. The Kaffeekanne dare if I don't let it go, soon the Sauerei is perfect. Also, well abwarten, then neuer Versuch.
Diesmal erreicht das kochende Wasser sein Ziel. Den Kaffeefilter. You can still enjoy it, but the coffee will also be available in the can. When those classes start at 4:00 am in the night, they become very happy friends. After the coffee is the tea, it is less faster, and the night at the same time is not less risky. Dann nor nach dem Brotteig für den nächsten Morgen schauen. Sieht gut, also schnell wieder raus der Kombüse. Draußen lässt das Übelkeitsgefühl langam nach. The air and the view on the horizon.

Was there anything I could do with an Atlantiküberquerung?
Übelkeit in der geschlossenen Kombüse, daran habe ich vor Reiseantritt auf jeden Fall nicht zijn. After two days, which I with green faces have seen above the Reeling, I will continue to enjoy the Mahlzeiten now that they are hung. Aber zu mir nehmen tue ich sie but lieber nor immer on the deck, on the fresh air. That combination and I have not become any friends. They hang out, they look longer, sit down and watch the Mahlzeiten and laugh at the time they read and laugh at the bathroom full. Kein Anzeichen von Übelkeit beihnen. Zum Dessert fresh Papaya or a piece of cake with Erdnussbutter-Marmeladenbrot. Das gibt mir Grund zur Hoffnung.

Dieser schwankende Raum, der das Vordeck vom Mittelschiff trennt, 2,5 auf 2,5 Meter groß, zu both Seiten aine Tür, ofen ist meist nur die im Lee. Both you have your well-being and feel the space around you. Tends to the right, tends to the left. Oh no, Steuerbord und Backbord heißt yes. My stomach is always present, so there is no problem with it.

(two days later)
We live during the Mona Passage, in the area of the Dominican Republic in the West and Puerto Rico in the East, and we will see you later on our days in the Atlantic. Das Meer is deutlich ruhiger here. After a long night's sleep I sit together with my own “watch” in the living room. Es gibt warm Porridge with fresh Südfrüchten. Lecker. Dazu Chaitee. Der Captain erzählt Geschichten von der first Überfahrt der Tres Hombres. We would love to laugh. My hand automatically shines with the musical theater of the well-being. Draußen rauscht das Meer. For a study with a sunny day.
I feel happy here and am happy.


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