December 23, 2020
- Log
Tres Hombres

Barefoot sailing (By Vera Olgers)

If 2020 has taught us one thing, it is that not everything can be planned.

So all my plans that take place outside the house disappeared one by one into a drawer. However, one, planned for the end of 2020, has remained intact all this time: crossing the ocean with the Tres Hombres. Fortunately, the demand for freight remained stable and it would all continue. Still, I remained afraid until the last moment that it would be canceled. First because they stayed two weeks longer in the port of Den Helder (are they not allowed to leave the port?), later when they were suddenly sailing back to the north off the coast of Rotterdam instead of further south. they sometimes whistled back?).

But here I am, on a day I don't know, sitting on the deck in the sun in our lounge, made of coiled thick ropes. During the nights the moon, planets and stars accompany us in the sky and under the bow the plankton creates its own starry sky in the water. Every now and then we are lucky and the fairy dolphins come to us
visits at night, which pass by as flashes of light beneath the water surface due to the glowing plankton.

Practically all sails are up (I now count about sixteen) to take us towards the Cape Verde islands with about nine knots. From there we sail west towards Barbados. Just climbed the mast to practice and enjoy the view. Soon there will be a bucket of seawater ready for you to take a shower. It is as I hoped: the sun in the sky and the wind at the back. Or barefoot sailing according to the captain. This crossing may take a while.

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