December 4, 2019
- Log

Things we do on watch (Karsten Babucke/Trainee)

The watch system on board is divided into five watches. There are two in daylight and three at night. Usually we are watching the sea and waiting for the next order, training the Trainees and cleaning.
But sometimes the watch becomes really long because there is nothing to do but looking.
So some of us are just trying to get their sox dry or doing the dishes. But if these things are also done, we become more and more creative. We start games and do lists.

We are planning the play list for our next arrival party. Because of the strong weather in the last days we are looking forward to the arrival a lot. So we need good music for our arrival!

The list is a pretty mix of a lot of evergreens and some songs related to sailing, cause every crew member has ideas for it. So it starts with “he's a pirate” and goes on with some shanti songs, there are some funny Austrian songs and cool songs from the 80s. And a crazy song about, getting loaded.

Also we started a few games. The first is the ropy game. Someone says a rope and the others have to find the right one. This is a good exercise for the trainees to learn the ropes and their function.
There is also the watching game, the one who got the most points wins. A watcher got points if he/she sees a cargo ship, a falling star, a dolphin, a whale or a rainbow. The trainees are actually heading the chartlist cause they are only watching. The Mates are straight behind. But most of all the Starbordwatch is the best. They found a flying fish, a night rainbow, that came up with strong moonlight and some rain – for sure.

So the watches are passing by and we are heading to La Palma. Today we are cleaning the boat, so there is not so much space for crazy games. But we never know when the next weather depression or storm is coming. We are prepared for everything.

Good luck and goodbye, the Tres Hombres Crew.

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