March 3, 2020
- Log
Tres Hombres

“Ready about!… Helm's Alee!!” (by Lenno Visser, 2nd Mate)

Now, normally I would only echo these commands to help make sure everyone on position knew exactly what was happening and that the ship now was committed to the upcoming tack but now it happens to be me standing at that helm that is going Alee and I am not the echo but the instigator as I quickly spin the wheel.

“Ease the foresails!”

As the helm comes to a stop I turn to grab the Main sheet and haul away to bring the main into the middle to give more pressure onto the aft to make sure the bow will pass through the wind. A quick glance over my shoulder before I make fast to look at the flag, make fast and then that moment.
As everything goes quiet, Will she pass through with her big belly full of rum?…

There it is, that tells tail in her sails and that first gentle sway to the other bow.
“Let go and Haul!” “Tack the Fore Sails!” Spin the helm to the middle and I'm easing out the main on the new tack as on deck the deckhand starts calling out which brace is fast and for the opposite side to “Slack out make fast”.
Someone is already changing the topping lifts and the mid stays also get tackled by whoever is finished with his or her station first.
And as I correct my oversteer the Tres is slowly making speed again and setting itself into the motion of the sea and the energy level that comes with tacking a square rig sailing vessel with only 6 people is slowly easing off as her deck gets squared.
Damn this is cool.

Two years ago I would have never thought I would be in this position on the helm in charge of my own watch steering the ship towards Boca Chica where this particular adventure of mine all started.
Two years ago when I first stepped onto this fine and taught vessel to sail with my friend Jorne as an interesting way to go back to Europe after having been hiking for quite some time in the wilderness of New Zealand and the States.
Two years ago something rekindled that what initially only had been intended as a fun way to revisit the old passion for traditional sailing with the man that had started that for me 20 years earlier.
Two awesome years of adventure, stories, beautiful pictures, new friends, amazing opportunities and new places to visit.

And I am very aware of the opportunities I have been given in this company, from volunteer to deckhand and from deckhand to mate (with a little extreme crash course re-education in the middle, Thank you Enkhuizen :])
I am very grateful for the chance to work on these fine ships and the trust I feel from the people already having been involved many years before I came around.

I'm going back on deck now so we can set more sails, so I'll finish with this…

Two years have gone by since I fell in love with an amazing woman with salty blood that lights up my life, 2 black-hulled beauties, a company, a mission and I guess a career… and that's way more than I had ever hoped to dream for when I first stepped onto these planks.

Can't wait to find out what's next.

Lenno Visser, 2nd Mate.

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