Age: 21
Nationality: FRENCH
Former occupation on land (or how do you keep yourself busy when you are not sailing)?
I do marine carpentry and I used to work in a shipyard for wooden boats in the South of France.
Which book, film, song, and/or event inspired and sparked in you first the dream of a life at sea?
I don't know when and where the original spark of inspiration came, or a particular movie or song. Maybe it was more about people I met. And also projects I heard of, like the one in Costa Rica (SailCargo Inc.) or Low-Tech Lab. And I think because nobody in my family has any relation with the sea: it was an adventure and seemed extra exciting to me, to do something that nobody around me has ever done before.
What to pack for your sea chest, absolutely?
Snacks to share at night watches and difficult moments. A knife and all the sailor's gear and tools. And I am very happy to have my Jallatte (my boots) with me.
What to leave ashore, doubtless?
Rubber boots. Problems (sounds like an easy answer, but it's true). And sand, of course!
Which is your favorite peace corner onboard aka where do you hide when you need to be alone.
I am still looking for it, but probably somewhere in the rigging. Oh no! Of course in the papalagi [little wooden dinghy of Tres Hombres used for recreational sailing].
What do you like the most onboard: a detail of the ship, a routine, a person, an activity…?
I love the breakfast! When everyone still has small eyes and is still sleepy. And I like it when we pump the anchor chain: the sea shanty singing, the whole situation feels great! Also, I like the arrival of the barrels. And the night watches. And Guven's [Second Mate] lessons (he taught us about sailing theory, weather, lights and signals, and so on).
Three Magic Words to hold fast to onboard?
It's not a real word but the ringing bell for food could be one of the sounds that will stay forever, like a reassuring noise.
“Royal” (the highest sail on the foremast) means different things to me: it remembers that epic “douse the royal” in Biscay, all the nice moments I spent up there, the freedom it gives you to think, and other stories you can hear only if you sail on Tres.
“Nadine!!!” To use as a curse if you hit your feet in a killer corner.
If Tres Hombres was a wild creature, which one would she be?
A kind of weird creature, friendly, a bit wonky like a squint pelican.
Biggest fear before joining and greatest satisfaction on the way?
I was worried about my English skills and communication. And also, that I would love it too much (and yes, I really do).
Why Tres Hombres?
I didn't want to go on a tourist boat to do the crossing. I like that it's useful and we are sailing for a bigger sense, especially without an engine. It's tricky and we have to find other solutions, and I enjoy that! To keep on sailing would be wonderful. This was and is the first step, the entrance into this sailing cargo world and I would love to continue being part of it.
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