December 5, 2019
- Log

Sinterklaas Kapoentje (Mea Mulders/Trainee)

Sinterklaas Kapoentje
throw something in my shoe

December 5 – Sinterklaas evening in the Netherlands.

Last night we were woken up for the night watch at 00:00 with a Sinterklaas song sung by Karsten from Germany and since Sinterklaas loves presents, we are surprised with a stroopwafel in our shoe.
Wonderful to eat it with wind force 8.

During the night watch the wind sometimes changes from the cold wind that we know all too well to the warm wind from Sahara and then back to the cold wind.
La Palma is getting closer!! 🙂

The wind will continue for a while. If we are not careful, we will reach La Palma too quickly and they will not have room for us in the port yet.
First a gingerbread and a sail down.

Mea Mulders

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