Age: 28
Nationality: FRENCH
Position on board: SECOND MATE
Former occupation on land (or how do you keep yourself busy when you are not sailing)?
I am sailing! And when I am not sailing, I am usually volunteering for sailing projects or helping on a refit. I also like surfing, reading, making music, but I am mainly sailing.
Which book, film, song and/or event inspired and sparked in you first the dream of a life at sea?
A song I was listening to when I was young, “Des que le vent soufflera” [as soon as the wind blows] from a french singer, Renaud. Also, when I was 8 years old I moved to live on a ship with my parents, I guess that sparked and inspired me as well.
What to pack for your sea chest, absolutely?
My knife and spike. Absolutely!
I wish I would have packed more crisps and more pesto, of course.
What to leave ashore, doubtless?
The boom breaker…
Which is your favorite peace corner onboard aka where do you hide when you need to be alone?
I really enjoy being up in the rigging. For hiding the best spot is at the inner or outer bob lanyard. And I also like my private cabin.
What do you like the most onboard: a detail of the ship, a routine, a person, an activity…?
Rigging, steering, hoisting the stud's sails. I like a lot the wooden carved piece above the steering wheel. And for sure the lines and the hull of the Tres. They are really beautiful.
Three Magic Words to hold fast to onboard?
Community, sharing and learning.
If Tres Hombres was a wild creature, which one would she be?
A wild black horse.
Biggest fear before joining and greatest satisfaction on the way?
I was concerned I wouldn't have time to have vacations after the refit before joining the trip. One of my biggest satisfactions happened during the refit but the outcome is sailing with us.
During the shipyard time back then, I had the chance to make a plank on my own, from measuring to hammer it in her place, on a Whiskey plank day, which is a very nice memory! And during the trip, it was definitely sailing with stud's'sails. Oh yes! Another very satisfying moment is to see the crew failing to catch a fish.
Why Tres Hombres?
Because they are the first ones doing it. Because they are engineless. Because it's Tres! Talking about sailing cargo is strictly related to the Tres Hombres: it is so inspiring and makes people think differently. Everything is possible! One more dream becomes true.
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