April 10, 2021
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Tres Hombres

A Tag auf See (by David Schynoll)

Was there anything I could do with an Atlantiküberquerung?

Auf einem fast hundert Jahre alten Schiff ohne Motor? That I am happy with my trip in the Karibik, that I can enjoy it even further, with only a monate spare. I have learned a lot about recovery and end-of-life problems. Immer gleiche Tage with the evergleichen Abläufen and Routinen, which yet you bring your whole life together and in your moment a Gefühl of Abenteuer with itself. The days changed in a different way and if I did not live there, I had my own changes, the date of the week, yes, the Monat would be erraten. Manchmal verschwimmen sie in eenem Traum aus Wellen und Wind, Sternen und Wolken.

That time now flies, one quick follow of the nights. Schlafen, Aufstehen, Essen, Segeln, Essen, Lesen, Schlafen. “Was gab es stertern noch gleich zu Mittag? Sauerkraut with Kartoffelpürree und Spiegelei? Or what about the evenings during the day? – I'm not happy anymore, I'll be happy to fall.
Beim Segeln said that they are the ones who are very good in Essen and who have a warm Mahlzeit in the Kombüse den vergnetsten und kältesten Tag gar nicht more so schlimm erscheinen reads.

So you can change the time you spend so that you can enjoy it, and then knit it together. Der Wellengang lässt uns nicht schlafen und schon beim frühstück verteilt sich der Inhalt meiner Kaffeetasse nor for the first Schluck flächenddeckend auf dem Tisch und de Klamotten meiner Mitstreiter.
Die stockdunklen, kalten Nachtschichten wollen wollen nicht enden und falle ich dann schließlich but still in my Bett, lässt mich der Gedanke daran, dass ich in kaum drei Stunden wieder wewecke, not einschlafen. After all, yes, but nobody is happy, that's how it is now. Welches Abenteuer ist das schon?
And the recovery from the damage that we are waiting for…

“Good morning foxhole” – 07:15 A college of others Watch is in our eight Personen Kabine heruntergestiegen, um we are awake. There empfiehlt warm clothing. What about the gemütlichen Bett? Muss das wirklich schon wieder sein? Well, you can also enjoy warm Porridge and a warm Tee. Also loose. After the bett swingen, festhalten nicht vergessen. Two pairs of socks, long unterhose, warmer wool pullover. A calm, aber blue Himmel erwartet uns. The wind power sofort wach.
Während die Sonne am Himmel emporsteigen, entleden wir our einer Kleiderschicht nach the others.
Später dare I am on the mast hochklettern in a single of the upper Segel and a pair of “Seile” zu tauschen. Toller Take a look at the mirrored, glittery More.
I can always imagine my own life, and I would rather be there. Wieder zurück an Deck, we were released by Steuermann, um an eenigen der dutztenden von Tauen zu zehen. Fachausdruck: “Segel trimming”. Then we can eat our own Knoten faster during water. Hat yourself too.

Schon ist die Vormittagsschicht vorbei und de Mittagessen wartet. Danach ab ins Bett. Nor a few days of reading, I would be extremely happy.
Then it's time to get better: “Wake-up time! Abendessen is strong. See, you're warm and happy, your raincoat and gummi felt.”
Strömender Rain is warm on the deck, which means a spaß, wenn wir gleich the Geschirr spühlen müssen. At these Wellengang we were spritzed with plenty of klitschnass. “Ah, I would never be warm again Bett.” Meine Stimmung ist mies.

It is time to move on to the Vordeck and see the Schoten around the Segel and poet. Here, the deck is divided into three, four meters above the water surface, so that it can be used with great pressure on the surface. A great experience from all fronts and from the outside. Oh no, that's not it. After all, we begin with a great deal of joy and joy, and we will be more than happy with our future well-being. Eigentlich hat er yes Recht, sind but eh schon nass. It is indeed very spaßig. This means that you will also be able to find the right settings and results in the future, and you will have a moment as well as a good solution for your own problems.

With one hand I am at the Schiff fest, with the others around my fest the Steuerrad. The calm wind blows through the air. The Schiff stamps with their knots during the brodelnde Wasser. Was für ein berrauschendes Gefühl. The Augen wander between compass points and the wind turbines on the mastheads behind and here. My view on the steering wheel is clear and comfortable in my navigation space. Then we will have a great night and we will have a great time and watch and celebrate in our own Kojen.

04:00 – “Good morning foxhole, wake-up time!” Four Uhr? FOUR UHR? It was a deaf idea that lasted all night long. Aber wir sind hier nicht an Land. We would like to see more and see more. Ausschlafen kann ich zu Hause noch. Also ab an Deck.

Wow. The clouds have since been exposed and are a part of the Sternenhimmel erwartet uns. We can thoroughly enjoy the water, enjoy the light of our winters, and use small samples for a picture of the firm. I can't separate myself, but the view after the night is more impressive.

We will not be able to enjoy the views of “Fairy Dolphins”, but we can see the water while enjoying the long, shimmering stretches.
These magical moments since es, which never lasted long in Errinnerung.

The first glitter of the first mornings can be seen during the night. Tag on See an.
How long have you been there for our stay?


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