November 26, 2020
- Log
Tres Hombres

Big swell, not many sails (by Captain Anne-Flore Gannat)

Overnight we got what we are used to. 25 knots or more in the butt.

Top sail and top gallant braced square, inner jib and forestay sail tight and Yallahhhhhh riding, surfing down the waves 11 kts.
What a ship, just going…

I'm sorry for the two watches that stood in the rain, but well done, Ding Dong darlings!

So here we are this morning passing Cabo Finisterre beam reach, setting the main sail again.
Lucky us finishing with a light easterly wind.

70 miles from Baiona, I am hoping to drop the anchor before the night. Also hope there are not many obstructions in the bay if we arrive at night.
Super happy to sail this coast!

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