June 1, 2020
- Log
Tres Hombres

A North-East breeze (by Captain Anne-Flore Gannat)

The NE breeze was already blowing gently during the night.

What a wonderful moment to give freedom to our rusty anchor who held us for 48 hours in 25 m deep and let her dry under a warm sun on the cat head. Once we started drifting, lashing the anchor and securing the chain at home in the dry-store, the sails were one by one sat into the air as many lungs carrying the wind for us to go.
We are going together in the same direction, the crew, the wind, the current, the black lady. What a change, the crew learns how to wear the ship instead of tacking. Still so much motivation to spend hours in the rigging to reinforce some shrouds with leather. This prevents the shrouds to be damaged by the yards.
Braced square, the sail plan show giants cinema screens, unfortunately hiding the solar panels in the afternoon. The electric balance is made by the windmills. The generator has been tried only for Fire Fighting drill. And when I give the report to Joburg Traffic about bunk capacity, the radio operator seams surprise by our little 200 liters tank. “Ha yes, engine-less cargo…, remember of you”. Very nice.
The new destination Les Sables d'Olonne makes our travel a little longer, happily received by all. Due to the meteorological condition, the passage is announced to be great as it is now. It seems very important also to get closer to the vineyards by ship and to use the soulless trucks a lot less! The loyal charming recipients of the precious and bio-dynamic wine can hardly wait until the precious organic and bio-dynamic wine is brought to the ship ;-).

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