7 juin 2024
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De Tukker

A Day on De Tukker (Victoria Mahoney)

As I wake up for my 4 AM watch, traces of deep sleep still linger. Already, the dream I just woke from is slipping away as I layer thermals and jumpers, ready for a brisk morning on deck. I pause one last time to stretch and grab my jacket, and then open the watertight door that connects the forecastle to the cargo hold.

When I get to the galley, it’s brightly lit. A fresh pot of coffee, and a thermos of hot tea are waiting on the table. I have a few minutes before my watch starts, so I pour myself a cup of tea and poke my head out of the galley hatch. The sky is dark, but slowly lightening, and a streak of soft pink graces the eastern horizon.

I put on my jacket, and head to the aft for watch change. ‘Have a good watch!’ the previous watch bids as they head below for some welcome rest. ‘Have a good rest!’ we return. I take the wheel and watch the sky slowly lighten. A few dolphins jump over the water  far on starboard side. At 5:30, the galley oven is lit and the day’s bread begins to bake. Though I stay at the aft, steering, after a while I can smell warm, freshly baking bread.

When the sky lightens and the sun rises, a few unusual passengers join us at the aft – three racing pigeons. The pigeons arrived one by one: first Igor, then Leroy, then Marcel. By now, they’re part of the crew.

Soon, the aft is once again bustling for another watch change. I return to the galley, where a warm bowl of porridge awaits me. When I’ve warmed up a bit, I head to bed, ready to get some rest and await another watch on De Tukker.

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