Chocolate makers

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At Chocolatemakers it's all about taste!

Ten years ago, Enver and Rodney started making chocolate. A lot has happened since then and the chocolate they produce is now a household name for lovers of delicious and sustainable products. Since 2019, they have been producing solar-powered and emission-free in their factory in the Amsterdam cocoa port. The factory is a lively place. Not only does it always smell like chocolate, there is a lot more going on there. Once a year, the sailing freighter Tres Hombres brings the cocoa they ordered, twice a year hundreds of cyclists from Germany come to pick up chocolate and workshops and pairings are continuously organized. We would like to tell you more about our ideals and sustainable working methods.

The Ideals of Chocolatemakers

They want to make the most delicious chocolate – for them it's all about taste! And they believe that pleasure should never come at the expense of people or nature. They are entrepreneurs who do business very consciously.
And guess what? Their strong ideals actually contribute to better taste.
Pure organic ingredients, well-paid farmers who can take the time to harvest, dry and ferment, you can taste it all!

Organic & Fairtrade

We make organic and Fairtrade quality chocolate
Our Chocolatemaker Rodney puts it this way: “If you have good cocoa, you have to be a really bad chocolate maker to make bad chocolate from it. About 70% of the chocolate's flavor comes from the bean.” We therefore think it is only logical to pay a fair and good price for our cocoa. Because we also expect a lot from our farmers. We want them to work organically, that the working environment is safe and that the plantation meets all social requirements.

To make this possible, we asked farmers what they considered a fair price. On that basis, they receive twice the price of the Fairtrade standard. They will then have enough money to live on. to support their family. And let their children go to school.

Our chocolate has been Fairtrade certified since March 2020: we pay twice the Fairtrade standard

We produce truly sustainably: on solar energy

The transparent roof of our factory is a very important part of our production process: it supplies the (solar) energy with which we make our bars. We measure the environmental benefits through a solar app: last year we saved 35,000 kg of CO2, which is the annual emissions of 7 households.

What else do we do to keep the impact on the environment as low as possible?

  • Packaging made of fully compostable material.
  • No waste or energy is lost in the factory.
  • Fairtransport: some of our chocolate comes to the Netherlands on a sailing ship.

It couldn't be more sustainable.

Food logic and cargo transport such as the Schokofahrt: 200 cyclists come to pick up our chocolate and take it to supermarkets in Germany.

In fact, we already work almost CO2 neutral.

But it is our ambition to also reduce the CO2 footprint in transport and production to 0 kg CO2 per kg of chocolate produced. To take the final step, we are investigating whether we can convert our surplus of solar energy into hydrogen. Then the cocoa roaster no longer needs to run on gas.